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Common Questions and Inquiries

What is the number for Non-Emergency Dispatch? The Non-Emergency Dispatch number is (502) 543-7074.

What are the office hours? The Mt. Washington Police Officers are on duty 24 hours a day. However, our office is open Monday - Friday, 8:00AM - 4:00PM with phones attended 8:00AM - 4:00PM. The Lobby & Tow Lot Hours are Monday - Friday, 9:00AM - 3:30PM however we ask that any office business be concluded by 3:15PM. We are closed on all major holidays and follow City of Mt. Washington Holiday Closure Schedule.

What is the number to City Hall/Mt Washington Water? (502)538-4216

What is the number to the Public Works Department? (502)538-3771

The Mt. Washington Police Department does not give out/trade any patches.  

I got a parking ticket, how do I pay for it? You can call our office and pay it over the phone with a credit or debit card. You can also come to our office during business hours to pay by check, cash or card.

Are there fees for reports?

Kentucky State Police is the official records custodian of automobile collision reports, and KRS 189.635 provides a specific procedure to be followed before inspection of such records may occur.  See 23-ORD-087, if a local law enforcement agency receives a request for an automobile collision report, it should instead provide the requestor with the contact information for the official custodian of records for Kentucky State Police.  


Kentucky State Police

Legal Services Branch

Attn: Stephanie Dawson, Records Custodian

919 Versailles Road

Frankfort, KY 40601



Accident reports can also be obtained from You may also send a written request to the Official Custodian of Records at KSP for a copy of the report via U.S. mail, e-mail, facsimile, or hand-delivery, as explained above.

Do you do fingerprinting, how much does it cost? No, we do not currently do fingerprinting. 

How do I get my property back? If you believe the Mt. Washington Police Department is in possession of an item(s) that belong(s) to you, please call us to schedule an appointment to pick up the item, (502)538-8143. You'll need to bring a photo ID, proof of ownership, and we will have you sign a release form.  All property to be released is verified via the court system and in some cases such as firearms, a background check is required prior to appointment being set. 

Does the Mt. Washington Police Department have a jail? The Mt. Washington Police Department does not have a jail. All prisoners are housed at the Bullitt County Detention Center at 1671 Preston Hwy. The phone number is (502)543-7263

How do I obtain an EPO/IPO? Monday - Friday, 8AM- 4PM, you can file at the Bullitt County Court House in Shepherdsville, KY. After hours you can file at the Bullitt County Detention Center, one of the deputies on duty will walk you through the process.

How do I get an Electronic Speed Sign in my neighborhood or specific location? You can inquire about getting an Electronic Speed Sign in your neighborhood or specific location by calling our office to make the request (502) 538-8143. Placement is subject to the department being able to locate the sign in a safe location. The length of duration at a particular location is dependent on the number of requests for the sign.

How do I get a House Watch? If you are going on vacation please fill out the House Watch Request Form.  

How do I get Directed/Extra Patrol? If you are seeing speeding vehicles, drug/suspicious activity you might want a Directed Patrol. Our officers patrol all over the City of Mt. Washington but requesting a Directed/Extra Patrol lets our officers know they need to spend a little more time in your neighborhood or at a local business. Please call (502)538-8143 to inquire about setting one up. 

I'm interested in opening a food truck in Mt. Washington, do I need to do anything? Yes. All food trucks need to be licensed and insured. You can find out more details by contacting City Hall.

I have a golf cart, do I need a permit to have it within the city limits? Yes. Golf carts need to be inspected by the Mt. Washington Police Department. There is a $25.00 fee for inspections. We can come to your home or you can bring your golf cart to the Department during business hours. Once you pass inspection you are given a permit. You can view the Golf Cart Ordinance here.

Why did I get a warning sticker on my car? Our officers work diligently to ensure that all of our citizens are abiding by all ordinances put into place by the City of Mt. Washington. If you have a question as to why you got a sticker on your vehicle please reference our ordinances. 

Can I have a Camper/RV in my driveway? Yes. Per the ordinance of the City of Mt. Washington, as long as it is NOT blocking the sidewalk, not parked in the grass or in the road. You must also take into consideration your neighborhood's HOA rules if applicable. If you have a question about parking please reference our ordinances

Why did I get a warning citation taped to the door of my home? Our officers work diligently to ensure that all of our citizens are abiding by all ordinances put into place by the City of Mt. Washington. If you have a question as to why you got a warning citation on your front door please reference our ordinances. 

I received a complaint about my grass, how tall is the grass allowed to be? In the city limits, the grass is allowed to be eight (8) inches tall per the City Ordinance. If you have a question please reference our ordinances

My neighbor has junk in their yard, how do I get them to clean it up? Please call (502) 538-4216  during business hours and ask to speak with one of our Code Enforcement Officers. Getting a neighbor to clean up can be a lengthy process. First, one of our Code Enforcement Officers will issue a warning to fix the complaint. If it's not addressed during the given warning time, they will be issued a citation. If they fail to meet those requirements the City will be called. If you have a question please reference our ordinances

Does the City of Mt. Washington have a noise ordinance? Yes. The city of Mt. Washington has a curfew. If you have a noise complaint please call Non- Emergency Dispatch at (502)543-7074If you have further questions about this ordinance please reference them here. 

Is the use of fireworks permitted in the City? Yes. Fireworks are allowed to be used in the City of Mt. Washington with consideration of the City Noise Ordinance. 

I need to get my child's car seat inspected, does the Mt. Washington Police Department do inspections? No. Currently, we don't have any officers trained to do car seat inspections, but we are going to have some certified in the near future! Please call the Mt. Washington Fire Department at (502) 538-4222 to inquire about getting an inspection done.

How do I compliment or complain about a Mt. Washington Police Officer, Department Employee, or Police Service? You should call the Mt. Washington Police Department at (502)538-8143, and ask to speak with the shift supervisor.

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